Finish line is coming up quickly and we need to get this car done. We take you through the next phase of the build with less than a week left to have it running.
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Come to Powerfest! Here is the link.
Finish line is coming up quickly and we need to get this car done. We take you through the next phase of the build with less than a week left to have it running.
Get the best merchandise
Come to Powerfest! Here is the link.
Tom, we'd love to see you in California and be a part of something in California. But, we all know that California's lost its fucking mind. I live here I know. I hate to see it this way but it's only going to get worse, Tom. It's not getting better not for a while. Good luck! Love the content.
The Bob abides. Sick work on the Duderango. Should be awesome, couldn't pay me to be the wiring guy Kudos to Jr.
Ultimately you need to save your ass. But I do feel like tracks are being greedy. They can sell food. Get an event pricing. Charge admission. Vendors. Ect.. They are failing on their end. They rather the track be stagnant than having a full event. They can give a cheap deal. Sell concession. Give vendor areas where they end up paying for a spot. The publicity for the track. Could be worth it.
re: death week- do it next year so you can get it a full 200+ racers. plus do 'deathward', and paid 'pitstop sponsors' (businesses that want the publicity of the cars going to them for pics/video & social media exposure)
you'all oughta know california is a commie state & is expensive as hell.
Did you try the historic Famoso Drag Strip? It’s just N. of Bakersfield Ca. If not I think you should. It’s a really nice track
Whatever you do with Deathweek, you are going to disappoint a fair few people. You're new to this and will learn your lesson. These things can't be rushed or you risk having the situation you find yourself in now. Hopefully it's not a setback to other events you have planned. Cheers.
Fellow Californian and possible Death Week Participant. I know since this was going to be a one and done I really wanted to have my truck ready to go for this year. Unfortunately because of work and it just being a weird year there is no way that's going to happen. I know if you just sent it you would most likely get an overwhelming response and could get the 200 cars you are looking for. I understand you are starting to cut it close and I know if you push it out a year you would have things set better and it would give people time to plan it. Either way, you have to feel comfortable about the decision since it really is your brainchild. Anyway, I am more than willing to help if my ride isn't done. As for the non Californians asking about emissions, California can't enforce emission laws on vehicles from other states. The worst they could get you on is a fix it ticket for loud exhaust. For the rest of us stuck in this communist state, we run vehicles older than 1975 because they are pr smog and we can get away with it.
Can Death Week until next year. Give you a little more time, a little more experience on running events. 3 tracks and more driving is part of the game on the west coast. A lot of places are pretty far apart.
Hard to comment on Death Week as no details of the specific route I am aware of – quite shocked you mention So. Cal?! – my advice is minimize the time in CA to Bakersfield and Death Valley and get the F out – avoid So. Cal at all costs. I was guessing the tracks might be Tucson, Wild Horse, Las Vegas, Bakersfield and back to home track? What about the NHRA 1/4 mile track at Fallon, NV? I say try it THIS YEAR and see if there is enough participation to make the financial numbers work. With this messed up and world and liberal commie politicians everywhere, next year may be harder or even impossible to pull off!
Tom, start events at smaller tracks to save money and let the results of the geographic area decide if it would be worth continuing in the future,…
As I have commented a few times before please consider southern Ontario Canada for a drag and drive event, we have three great tracks with a reasonable drive between them, and I know we have plenty of enthusiasts to get on board.
If it wasn’t for Bob and CJ nothing would get done in this shop.
Great content thanks for sharing
Glad to see Bobby back and very glad it was a good vacation too.
You can do only so much when it comes to what a track charges and the math it drives in drivers! Even if you get 200 drivers, life still happens, some will not show because the field is so big, that they will think that they can't win. You know more about what the competition needs, so do the best math you can and make the call. Sell it big next year and get commitments early. I would love to see you put on the show out west, but everyone has to have the same commitment.
A year to plan is better for me. But I’ll toss my junk together and go this year if it’s happening.
If it doesn't make economic sense to put on an event then in my opinion you just don't do it. Does it suck, yea it does. Start the plan over for next year and hopefully you find a few tracks that don't want to price gouge but you are talking about the west coast.
Plan for next year
these guys have all the stuff to make interesting/entertaining videos. but i just find my self falling asleep.
Need an electric guy
"I live My Life 132 Feet at a Time" Wtf???
What ratio is his quickest in the rc no prep car, I'm got a losi 22s 69 camaro running 22t 84 spur with proline ultra blues quickest speed is 85 km/h or 54mph
And it was a pretty good vacation HA HA HA HA go BOB
Cut California.
Stay out of the crazy blue states and you won't see pricing like that. I know that sucks for everyone, especially people who live in those areas, but sadly it's today's reality.
The plight of drag racing today…. very few events these days will pull in the numbers of participants expected.. I say put it off and hype it up for another year….
If it was me i would wait til next year. Preparing for this will take people longer than a regular drag n drive.
The drag community from west coast needs to gather and commit to bring 100 cars… Between Arizona, California and Nevada, there should be enough racers to make this a major event with 200+ cars…
Bobby makes the show. He is such a goof ball. He must be a hoot to be around the shop
Bob by any chance enjoy his vacation in Milwaukee with Harleys 120th Anniversary?
is Bob allowed to wear a Steve Morris shirt?
Alex Taylor could have build that in her sleep….
As a fellow California resident and someone who has made the journey to SickWeek both years and competed. I totally understand the logistical nightmare it has become here in California.
I’d really love to see you be able to put this event on this year. But I am also totally ok with you taking a year to fully plan this out. The road-trip part sounds absolutely amazing and a once in a lifetime event for sure. I support your decision either way and will be hopefully one of the competitors in this epic event! Keep up the hard work guys! Also looking forward to SickWeek 2024 and hopefully I will get into my 3rd straight SickWeek
Pushing the event out to next year will be better for everyone involved, and getting more people to commit.
Race car stuff
Would totally pony up $1200 – compared to everything else? – it's only a smaller percentage.