1. Even if the white Camaro "jumped", it was established that chase is a race.
    So the Camaro bumped through the line, the truck chased, the Camaro held back for a second, then still came around him.
    Camaro won that, straight up.

  2. Race at the track. Then there are no excuses plain and simple. If you red light you lose,if your slower you lose,if you over heat at the line you lose. It's simple the tree at the dragstrip doesn't lie.

  3. red chevy is a bitch. Camaro jumps sat let truck leave and drove around his slow ass. pay the fucking man. this is why i dont street race. fuckers dont pay then thats where they lay

  4. Nous aussi ont parie en regardant les video arrivants que personne n a vue et ont parie chere putain merde la civic si il avait mie des suspensions a gaz boum 300 boule in the poquette chier s ale con civic je te déteste

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